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Steven C. Harper

Section 3 Context
A respected and prosperous farmer from Palmyra, New York, Martin Harris left his home in the spring of 1828 and traveled southeast until...

Follow Him Podcast: Dr. Steven C. Harper : Episode 28 Part 2 : Doctrine & Covenants 76
Dr. Harper returns with Hank and John to discuss how Section 76 elaborates when Paul says that we can be “joint-heirs with Christ.” We...

Follow Him Podcast: Dr. Steven C. Harper : Episode 28 Part 1 : Doctrine & Covenants 76
Dr. Steven C. Harper shares why the Saints referred to this section as “The Vision” before the First Vision was shared widely, “The...

Joseph Smith’s Early Experiences with Revelation
Joseph Smith’s early experiences can teach us important lessons about how revelation from the Lord can flow to prophets and to each of us.

Living Faith Discussion Series: "The First Vision" with BYU Professor Steven Harper
A series of discussions on Church history to help us better understand the Restoration and Doctrine & Covenants, taught by leading...

Memory and the First Vision - Steven C. Harper
Steven C. Harper is a Professor of Church History and Doctrine at Brigham Young University, and author of the new book, First Vision:...

Section 2 Context
When Joseph Smith left the grove after seeing the Father and the Son, he was not a prophet. He had no calling—and had no idea that he...

Young Joseph Smith’s Religious Turmoil
Dr. Steven C. Harper explains the religious forces of tumultuous anxiety at work during Joseph Smith’s day and how they shaped Joseph’s...
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