Sorry I’ve been away. I was excited to blog about Joseph Smith’s first vision throughout the bicentennial celebration in 2020. I wrote several posts about it. Then I quit. When he began keeping a journal in 1832, Joseph wrote brief but faithful entries for about 10 days. Then he quit for 10 months.
For me it’s not just that COVID came. I confess that after the terrific General Conference in April, writing more first vision posts seemed anti-climactic. I wondered if anything that exciting would ever happen again. Sure I could look forward to celebrating two hundred years since Moroni’s visits in 2023, but it’s tough to compete with the first vision.

After Joseph’s journal entry describing the Savior’s visit to him and Oliver Cowdery in the House of the Lord at Kirtland, followed by Moses, Elias, and Elijah, the rest of Joseph’s journal is blank. What else is worth writing about
after that? He didn’t start again for well over a year.
Then I remembered 2021 would be a Doctrine and Covenants year. The Come, Follow Me curriculum will focus on Joseph’s revelations. That’s exciting. So I’m back. I expect to keep up with the curriculum and make a short post about every section in the Doctrine and Covenants this year. I’ll post on Section 1 before Sunday and post again on Joseph Smith-History 1:1-26 to supplement the upcoming lessons.
Do you think I can stick to it all year? Maybe I can. Some of the most exciting revelations are at the end of the book.